BASKET Underlying Funds

BASKET underlying Funds

1 BASKET token = Total Value of The Picnic Fund Locked Assets / (1/r)

Where r is the total supply of minted BASKET tokens.

BASKET Fund Makeup

Proposed Allocation of Total Fund

Fund A: 90% Fund B: 5% Fund C: 5%

Allocation can be changed via a governance proposal and vote.

The three proposed funds

  • Fund A is a crypto fund with an ever growing basket of cryptocurrencies.

  • Fund B is a NFT fund attributed to Crypto Kitties,, Dapperlabs, OpensSea, Raribile, independent artists and future ventures by highly collectable franchises as determined by vote.

  • Fund C is a collection of currencies, initially mirroring the IMF SDR ratios but with the purchasing power and composition protocols to be determined by vote.

Last updated